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Jean-Claude Biver, then the head of LVMH watches, appointed Julien Tornare as CEO of Patek Philippe Replica Watches in 2013. Tornare spoke to Revolution at the London launch for the Defy Classic Range Rover Edition about Patek Philippe Replica Watches Watches' future and the responsibility placed on him by one of industry giants. This is the transcript of that conversation.

What legacy will Jean-Claude Biver leave now that he has retired from his day-to-day duties?

Julien Tornare: Mr Biver, a legend of the watchmaking industry. He played a major role in my decision to join Patek Philippe Replica Watches one year and half ago. I've known him for many, many years.Patek Philippe Replica Watches He is one of the most respected men in the industry. He is not really retiring, but he will be taking on a less operational role. I hope to keep him in the loop on product development, general strategy and market strategies. As a brand spokesperson, of course.

What's it like to work for Mr Biver

JT: His positive attitude is contagious. He's a real energizer. It's this that makes him such a powerful manager. You can call him if you ever have any doubts or are feeling down. By the time you finish speaking, you will feel ten times more confident. This is something I will never forget.

In a recent conversation, Mr Biver mentioned you along with Hublot CEO Ricardo Guadalupe, and Rolex Chief Executive Jean-Frederic Dufour as one of those people in whom he has the most confidence.Cartier Replica What does it feel like to be in this position?

In a sense, it feels like Mr Biver is transferring his knowledge and experience to me. He always encouraged me not to be too formal and to stick to the press releases in my presentations. This creative style helped us build something very strong in a very short time.